My personal calling is to love students, share the gospel with them, and live life with them every day...and to enjoy the journey.

"We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I was thinking about Thanksgiving today. I think I would've been a pretty good pilgrim. I mean, didn't they live in tents, hunt all day, and then have a big feast? Maybe I am a pilgrim? Didn't they wear stretch pants?

I am looking forward to the holiday this week. It will be nice to spend some time with family. I get to hunt and spend time outdoors, which I greatly enjoy. Too bad turkey season is in the Spring. It is also nice to have a time and season to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for...and I have tons.

Interestingly enough, the Bible has lots to say about gratitude and thanksgiving (not the holiday, the attitude). All through the Old and New Testaments, we see and hear God's heart about how and why we should be thankful. Psalm 100 tells us,
Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Acknowledge that the Lord is God. He made us, and we are His-His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good, and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations.

What beautiful language the Psalmist uses in this psalm of thanksgiving. Many of the Psalms have similar language and give us a snapshot into the heart of God and how He longs for us to glorify Him with our thanksgiving.

Psalm 100 tells us to show thanksgiving through our worship (v.1), our service (v. 2), and with our praise (v. 5). We are also told why we should glorify God with thanksgiving.
First of all, because of who He is.
He is Lord (vs. 1), He is God (vs. 3a), He is creator (v. 3b), He is the owner
(v. 3c), and He is the shepherd (v. 3d).
Secondly, because of His attributes.
He is good (v. 5), His love is eternal (v. 5), and His faithfulness endures forever (v. 5).

As you spend time with family and friends this week, remember to be thankful. Not only for what you have, but for the giver of all good things. And more than even that, be thankful because of who He is.

1 comment:

Matt Wethington said...

I cant believe you did not tell the world that you were able to spend Thanksgiving with your favorite brother-in-law - Matt