My personal calling is to love students, share the gospel with them, and live life with them every day...and to enjoy the journey.

"We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I love Fall. It's probably one of my favorite seasons...if it's not my favorite, it's at least in my top 4. A new season always seems to bring with it new things. Not just changes in the weather, but new opportunitites, new attitudes, and new feelings. This new season brought for me a new opportunity. I believe God wants to do in me something new...something brand new. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that "There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven..."

God's timing is perfect and He is faithful to bring to us new seasons. Not only the physical seasons (Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter), but spiritual seasons as well. Seasons bring opportunity for change, for transition, and for growth. There is a time for everything...and that time is in His time.

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