My personal calling is to love students, share the gospel with them, and live life with them every day...and to enjoy the journey.

"We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Making Memories

I went to Anna's Christmas performance today. It was quite entertaining. Anytime 50 3-yr olds sing together it is always fun. Anna was awesome on the first song. She sang loud and proud... and I took pictures! I was so proud. The next 4 songs, however, she didn't sing a word. Not one. She didn't open her mouth. In fact, she even refused the jingle bell her teacher gave her to ring during Jingle Bells. She put it on the floor and just stood there. When they got to the big finale of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," Anna had she left. Seriously, she just starting walking away from the stage. And if you know Anna, once her mind is made up...that decision is final!
Well, as much as I would have loved her to sing, she made memories. The older I get and the faster my kids grow up, the more important memories become. She didn't steal the show by any means, but she made me smile, and she made me remember her "performance." There are many things about Christmas that I love, but making memories with my children is at the top...except for maybe the nightmares I will have from seeing this Baby Jesus cake at Anna's "Happy Birthday Jesus" party. Creepy.....

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